It is better to Look Up! |
The evening was filled with lots of old church movies, dancing around to David Archuleta Christmas music, and making nachos and sugar cookies. Thank you for the ingredients Mom! They were seriously the best sugar cookies we've ever had. We also played a Dutch card game we got from the ward for Christmas.
Fireworks began that day in the afternoon, but we were waiting for the big deal fireworks later that night. We went to bed at the usual time, 10:30, and set our alarm for 11:50. When the alarm went off we all stumbled out of bed so confused and tried to open our bottle of sparkling cider to ring in the New Year.
The fireworks were crazy.
In the Middle of No Where With my Huge Map |
Here are pictures of us last p-day
just chillin around in Leeuwarden:
A Fries Book Shop |
Leaning Tower of Leeuwarden |
We went to the leaning tower of Leeuwarden which was super cool
but not open for tours this time of year.
Beautiful Country-side... Happy Sheep! |
Also..... another cool thing. Our investigator came to church on Sunday!!! First time since I've been in Leeuwarden that we've had an investigator come. It was super exciting. He came with his wife who is a less active. I'll write more about investigators next week.
Miracle of the week-
We met a really cool Friesan lady with her Swedish friend on the same day we left Leeuwarden for referrals. We took this bus called an Opstopper. You call it an hour before you need it and it will specifically pick you up. We took it to this place called Hantum which is this tiny little town in the middle of nowhere. They happened to be going to the same place to see a Tibetian temple so we had some cool conversations with them. She has studied a lot of religions and was interested to hear what we had to say. We spoke in English with her because her friend was Swedish. SHOUT OUT TO AARON- and her English was really good. We said goodbye to them and ended up seeing them again on the way out of the little town, so we decided it was meant to be(even if our referral turned out not to be real!)
Well that's all for this week.
I am now in Alma 43 if anyone desires to read with me.
Love youuuuuuuuu.
Have a wonderful week!
Zuster Bush
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