What a week... what a week.
Time is so "GEK" here in the MTC. (GEK is Dutch for CRAZY) But really.
It all blurs together
It all blurs together
and everyday is great and then hard and then great,
and by the end of the day all I can remember are the really good things.
Provo Temple |
Last P-day we went to the temple and it was marvelous.
It felt nice to take off my name tag and just be me.
It was so peaceful and relaxing to just sit in the temple
without the worry of Dutch or anything else.
We have new investigators this week.
Pip and Sherry.
Pip is our teacher Broeder Wells,
and Sherry is our teacher Sister Rosema.
Broder Wells comes in the morning to teach and Sister Rosema in the evening.
They act as investigators and it's cool
because they are acting like the real life investigators they had.
because they are acting like the real life investigators they had.
We've had one lesson with each of them. It is so difficult but it is so great.
Our Motto is "Moeilijk maar het is Mogelijk"
We come up with so many great Dutch phrases that we say all the time to anyone
even if they don't speak Dutch.
We love our language and I wouldn't want to be speaking anything else.
This is a normal day for us...
Exercise for 50 min.
Less than 30 min to shower and be in class
District song and prayer.
We combine 3 districts for that. 2 nederlands and 1 suriname.
So cool because we get to take turns saying the prayer and choosing a song in Dutch.
Then class for 3 hours.
It usually goes by pretty fast.
Unless we have to do difficult things and then it's frustrating.
Unless we have to do difficult things and then it's frustrating.
Then we go to lunch and sit with our whole zone. We're all really good friends.
The Danes are leaving on Monday though which is sad. They are my favorite.
They are kind of distracting sometimes though so it will be nice to have them leave :)
Once they leave the new Norwegians will come in and we won't be the newbies anymore!
After lunch we all wait outside by the benches for the elders to bring the mail.
SO exciting.
Sometimes the Elders read their mail to each other if it's from a girl.
It's nice to have time to just relax.
Then we go back to class with a diff teacher.
Class then planning with companion,
and Dinner
and Dinner
then repeat and wait for mail AGAIN!
If there's a package slip we ruuuuun and pick it up before it closes at 7.
After Dinner it's personal study, companion, and then language study.
For language study we get together with the 3 districts who are learning Dutch
and we read from Het Boek van Mormon.
It's really good to practice pronunciation
even if we don't understand everything we are reading.
even if we don't understand everything we are reading.
It's nice to hear how everyone else says a certain word too.
Then we pray as a zone.
My zone is seriously the best. All of the Scandinavians.
My zone is seriously the best. All of the Scandinavians.
. We have an Elder who likes to write poems to be funny
but they are actually real serious and profound.
but they are actually real serious and profound.
He read one yesterday and we all listened (keep in mind there are probably 30 of us. ish.
And we all just snapped. Fun poetry reading.
Then someone prays in their mission language
and we run back to our rooms and hop in the shower.
and we run back to our rooms and hop in the shower.
♦ ♦ ♦
Not much time left, but guess what! Jenny Oaks Baker came to the Sunday Devotional. She played the violin with her kids and she even spoke to us. I learned so many great things that I'd like to share with you later.
We also sang in the choir Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer, and Sister Bonnie Oscarson came and talked about all of her missionaries in her family. Tell Aaron this- She and her husband served as the Sweden Stockholm Temple President and they've served in Sweden three times. Also a ton of her kids served in Europe and they LOVE Sweden. She had all of the Swedes stand up while she was speaking. Cool huh.
Everyday is wonderful here. It's the hardest in the middle of they day, but everyday I end up feeling great which is funny because my journal makes me sound like everything is sooo easy here and it's not. I just forget about the hard stuff until the next day!
Oh one more fun story. We watch Music and the Spoken word every Sunday as a relief society so if you ever want to watch it with me you can :) The relief society speaker Cheryl Eslpin was talking about how she has a bird nest in her yard and she loves to show her grand kids. It remind me about you mom. She talked about how a bird has to peck it's way out an egg one at a time and no one can help it. Think about how that relates to life :) No more time have to go. Love you dearly!
Sorry this message is so scrambled. Next week will be better
Ik houdt van Jullie!
Zuster Bush
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