November 10, 2014

I LOVE Antwerpen!

Hallo mijn familie and friends :)

It's fall here in Belgium and it's beautiful! Sorry I didn't take pictures this week. I'll be better next week. The first really cold night we made Lemon Greek Rice soup. Super Lekker (nice). Thanks for the recipe Kelly!

I went to Brussels to get my legality card thingy, basically my Belgian ID. There was a huge protest happening there and when we got to the station there were fireworks going off inside that sounded like bombs, and lots of people decked out in red and green clothing. You can probably find more information about it on the internet, but people are not happy with the gov so EVERYONE and their dogs were going to Brussels the same day as the missinoaries. haha. We were safe though and actually got to talk to a couple people on the train about it and then handed out quite a few cards.

Once again we had Gezins Avond (Family Home Evening) and it is the coolest thing EVER. We got to teach the lesson and it was translated from Dutch to French because 2 of the ward members speak French better, Than we played the "Signs" game- Aaron and Becca would probably be able to explain it- and it's hilarious to play it with people from so many different backgrounds. Belgium is so cool.

This week was SYL week. Woot woot. Speak your language week. We actually did really good the first half of the week. We spoke it in and outside of our apartment and I really learned so much from it. I made a few phone calls in Dutch too and I was so proud of myself. :) We did a LOT of contacting this week too which was good practice. Mainly just knocking on doors. Our ward mission leader assigned each companioship to an area and he wants us to work in that area one day every week. Our area is Wijnegem. We only got to spend a few hours there, but we already came in contact with one man who seemed like he was just waiting for us to knock on his door.

I got to teach the Law of Chastity to an 80 year old woman. They are new member lessons, and it was our first time meeting with her because usually the Elders teach her. But they couldn't go this week, so our first time meeting with her we got to teach her the Law of Chastity. No worries. She is living it :) If you want some entertainment look up the District when they teach about the Law of Chastity to German. Yep. Good stuff.

I ate indian foooooood. So much of it. Shilpa is a member from India and she let us help her make it. Then she wanted us to make a cake for dessert. I guess since we are American we should be good at making cake. haha. We didn't have a recipe so we literally just guessed and threw random ingredients in, and then cooked it in a microwave. We are pro cake makers.

I am having so much fun with Z. Jones. She's from Lindon, Utah and loves to play Basketball. We make jokes all the day long, and we are killing it at teaching. We only got to teach 2 lessons this week so we are going to try really hard to get some more this next week. We do lots of role playing in studies so that we have practice teaching the lessons more. We got to teach the Restoration to a Jehovah's Witness, and it was only my 2nd time teaching that lesson on my mission. Also another Baptism happened in our ward from a 16 year old boy that the Elders taught. It was a really good Sunday.

To answer your questions about traveling. . .
We don't take our bikes on the trains. Whenever we use the train we just walk and use our map to find the destination, or the ward members are really nice and they pick us up from the Station.

Well this week was wonderful and it's getting colder and I love being a missionary because I get to share my testimony with everyone and it's not awkward because I have been called of God to do it! haha. Longest run on sentence... but I hope you know I love this work.

I'm in Mosiah 20 right now for anyone that wants to join me!

Love you All!

Zuster Bushy

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